Hodge Hill Primary School

Twycross Grove
Hodge Hill
B36 8LD

0121 464 2189


Have a question? Send us a message

Headteacher Miss. C. Lucas
Deputy Headteacher: Mr. C. Rose
Assistant Headteacher(s): Miss. T. Brandon / Mrs. K. Darnley / Mrs. C. Povall 
SENDCO: Mrs. L. O'Rourke
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss. C. Lucas
Chair of the Local Governing Body Ms. M. Nisbett (contacted via Hodge Hill Primary School office or enquiry email)


If you need to contact the SENDCO or Safeguarding lead then please use the enquiry email (enquiry@hodgehill.createpartnership.org.uk ) or contact the school office and they will make arrangements for you.

For general enquiries from parents or the public, please contact: Mrs. V.Wilson by telephoning, emailing or writing to the school using the contact numbers and addresses above.

We can provide parents with a paper copy of any information on our website. Please come to the main reception desk, call 0121 464 2189, or email enquiry@hodgehill.createpartnership.org.uk to make a request. 

Create Partnership Trust

Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Mark Unwin
Address: Create Partnership, Percy Road, Birmingham, B11 3ND
Telephone: 0121 303 1595
Email: info@createpartnershiptrust.org.uk
Website www.createpartnershiptrust.org.uk

Company number 10318212

Registered in England and Wales