All children are expected to read 5x per week for a minimum of 10 minutes. Children will bring home two books each week.
On Monday, they will bring home a 'sharing book'. Please read this with your child as it may contain words which they cannot yet read independently. This book must be returned on Thursday.
On Thursday, they will bring home a 'decodable' book. We have practised reading this book at school. Please encourage children to read the book to you. This book must be returned on Monday.
After reading, please sign the home-school reading diary.
Children must bring their diary and reading book to school every day. When they do so, they will be awarded a dojo.
Rocket Words
Children will bring home a 'rocket' each week. This contains decodable words and tricky words that we have been reading in our phonics lessons. Please encourage children to re-read these words until they can read them fluently.
Reading of these rocket words will be assessed each week.
Children will have a TTRS logon and will be expected to use this 4x per week to deepen their understanding of times tables.